Book Review: Blind Spot by Dani Pettrey
This book is about letting yourself love, protecting those you care for, defending those who can’t defend themselves, finding justice, and seeking the truth — even if you may not like what you find.
Now, I should get this point out of the way. Once again, I’ve picked a book that is part of a series — book three in the Chesapeake Valor Series. So once again, there were a few confusing parts that mentioned things from earlier books, and I had to learn all the characters pretty fast. If you read the books in order, I’m sure you’ll have a smoother read than I did.
This aside (or perhaps, because of this), I had to push myself to get about halfway through the book. Once I got there, things got interesting, and I wanted to keep reading. Part of the reason I had a hard time getting through the first half was because it seemed rather predictable — almost as if the author wanted to show us where the plot was going.
And, in fact, she did. But there was a specific reason. So, if this nagging feeling that you know exactly where the story’s going bothers you as it did me, keep going.
The characters of the book intrigued me. They all seem to have dynamic backgrounds that I’m sure anyone who has read the books in order would appreciate far more than I would. But the characters in themselves made me want to read the rest of the series, the books before and after this one.
The author gives a lot of insight into the minds of a few characters in the story. If you enjoy reading characters’ thoughts, you’ll have no problem with this. But if you’d rather be shown than told or would prefer to read minimal internal dialogue, this may bother you.
This book is very clean. Not graphic, explicit, or overtly sexual, even when the author had the opportunity to make it so. Take that for what you will.
In summary, here’s a speedy review:
Romance? Yes!
Suspense? Yes, eventually ;)
Believable characters? Yes
Believable story line? Yes, but it didn’t compel me the way I like stories to compel me. However, this is a completely personal, subjective opinion, and others love the story line and its pace (discussed below).
Steady plot pace? I can’t quite put my finger on why, but it seemed a bit jumpy at times and seemed to lag atothers. The storytelling and flow weren’t consistently compelling to me.
Easy to read? Yes
Easy to follow? If you’ve read the books in order — probably.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to read and review it, so you could know exactly what to expect from this novel. Hopefully, after reading my honest notes on the story and writing style, you‘ll have a better idea about whether or not you’d enjoy this book.